Alpha Roster

Alpha Roster

View ALL the names our Association has gathered of those men who flew or supported AC-119s.

You can use the Search box below.  If names have “sort codes” at the end of the row, indicating the Association has contact with them, you can use the Contact Form below to send them a message. NOTE: Your message will NOT go directly to them, but instead goes to their POC who reviews it and forwards it–unless there’s a reason not to.
Some names are missing from the Alpha Roster. If you have information about someone who should be on the roster, please us the Contact Form to send us their email, phone number, and/or address to help the Association get in touch with them.  You can also submit info on any who are on the ALPHA Roster but are missing contact info.

For any questions, contact us using the contact form at the bottom of this page.

We have contact information

The guys we have contact info on have the following sort codes: 71AM, 17A, 18A, 02MO. The first three codes are Squadrons.  The 02MO code includes all AC-119 Maintainers and other Support Personnel. You can send any of them a message through their POC, found on our Association Board, POC, & Committee Info webpage.

We have a name only, and no contact information

Our guys who we do NOT have contact information on have the following sort code: 99NI.

If you have information on any of these individuals, please send a note to Ron Julian using the contact form at the bottom of this page with their contact information: name, postal address, email address, phone.

Final Flight

The sort code 01FF contains names of our deceased, and we may or may not have contact information on family members. Information is shared only in very special circumstances.

Folks not yet on our Roster
If you know of an AC-119 Gunshipper who is not on the Alpha Roster, contact our Master Contact List Manager Ron Julian with as much information as possible about the missing individual (Crew or Ground position, years in country, locations, anything helps).

Total Records Found: 2314, showing 100 per page
First NameLast NameUnit 1PositionStateSort Code
David Byron 4 4 18A
Felix Caballero Jr 4 5 44 18A
John Cabe 6 6 48 02MO
Jose Cachuela 3 2 6 01FF
Mike Cahoon 4 6 10 02MO
James Calbertson 3 7 99NI
Fredric Calkin 4 5 Empty 99NI
Robert Call 4 2 36 18A
William Callaghan 16 1 44 71AM
Charles Callahan 16 6 16 71AM
Larry Callicutt 4 6 14 02MO
Donald Calvert 4 2 46 18A
Morris Campbell 16 6 46 71AM
Paul Campbell 4 5 34 01FF
Frank Campbell 4 Empty 21 18A
Burl Campbell 16 1 Empty 01FF
Joe Campbell 4 6 Empty 99NI
William Campbell 16 71AM
Harvey Canimore 3 6 39 02MO
Michael Cannarozzi 4 2 Empty 99NI
Gary Cannon 4 Empty Empty 99NI
George Canterbury 4 Empty Empty 99NI
Donald Carlson 3 1 6 01FF
Nicholas Carlson 4 2 6 18A
Roy Carlson 3 4 48 17A
Ernest Carmichael Jr 4 3 99NI
John Carpenter 4 6 Empty 01FF
James Carroll 3 2 25 17A
Robert Carson 4 2 99NI
Bob Cart 3 2 6 17A
Dale Cartee 3 2 44 17A
George Carter 4 5 15 18A
James Carter 16 1 Empty 99NI
Rodney Carter 3 1 10 17A
Eugene Caruso 4 5 39 18A
Robert Carwile 4 5 37 18A
Aloysius Casey 4 2 6 01FF
Wil Casey 16 1 44 71AM
Rick Cassel 4 6 Empty 02MO
Phillip Cassidy 4 2 Empty 99NI
David Cassidy 4 6 99NI
James Caughey 4 1 6 18A
William Caver Empty 6 Empty 99NI
Richard Cenzano 3 6 Empty 99NI
Boris Chaleff 16 2 16 01FF
Antoine Chaloux 4 3 6 01FF
Peter Chamberlain 4 2 44 01FF
Dennis Chamberlin 4 5 23 18A
Allen Chandler 3 4 15 17A
Calvin Chandler 4 Empty 28 01FF
Gary Chandler Empty Empty Empty 99NI
John Chandler 3 1 48 17A
Ruben Chandler 4 10 01FF
George Chapman 4 1 44 18A
James Chapman 4 2 Empty 01FF
Leon Chappell Jr 16 4 41 71AM
Harvey Charlton 3 6 Empty 99NI
Jay Chase 4 6 10 01FF
Gilberto Chavez 4 6 33 02MO
Paul Cherenzia 16 2 Empty 99NI
Donald Chipman 3 6 6 01FF
Steven Chisler 4 5 10 01FF
Silver Chisum 4 1 44 01FF
Neal Choiniere 4 3 38 18A
Kris Chrisman 3 5 Empty 99NI
Robert Christensen 4 2 Empty 99NI
Paul Church 4 6 35 02MO
Calvin Churchill Jr 3 4 Empty 17A
Guido Cimini 3 2 Empty 01FF
Roger Clancy 4 2 15 18A
Raleigh Clardy 4 2 Empty 99NI
Don Clark 3 1 38 01FF
Peter Clark 3 2 Empty 99NI
Charles Clark 16 99NI
Wayne Clark 16 6 99NI
John Clark 3 5 6 17A
Harold Clarke 4 Empty Empty 99NI
Roger Clay Empty Empty Empty 99NI
Robert Clayton 3 6 Empty 99NI
David Clements 16 5 Empty 99NI
DeWell Clemons 4 3 3 01FF
James Clevenger 4 4 Empty 01FF
Robert Clifford 4 5 99NI
Charles Cline 4 1 6 18A
N Clotfelter 4 5 Empty 99NI
Patrick Clotfelter 4 5 99NI
John Coates 4 5 43 18A
Paul Coates Jr 4 6 Empty 01FF
Edward Cobb Jr 4 5 32 01FF
Gene Coco 4 2 6 18A
Richard Coe 3 1 Empty 99NI
Donnell Cofer 4 5 Empty 99NI
Terry Coffman 4 6 34 02MO
Ernest Cohen 3 1 Empty 99NI
Bill Cole 3 1 44 17A
Ernest Cole 4 1 48 01FF
Royce Cole 16 6 Empty 99NI
George Cole 16 6 99NI
Raymond Coleman 4 3 Empty 99NI
Thomas Coleman 16 3 Empty 99NI

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