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4″ patch, black with embroidered white lettering and an embroidered star in the middle. This patch looks good on vests or party suits.
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Stinger AC-119K Gunship “100 MISSIONS” Stinger patch – red, white, and blue – 4″, in the shape of a badge. The “Stinger AC-119K Gunship” lettering is white and the “100 Missions” lettering is blue. Nice patch for party suit or vest.
71st Air Commando Squadron Patch with Eagle, 4”.
4″ 17th SOS Shadow patch, white with red lettering. In the center is “THE SHADOW” emblem.” DENY HIM THE DARK” lettering is underneath it.
“Stinger – Vengeance By Night” 18th Special Operations Squadron Patch window decal, 4 inches. Will work on most glass.
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